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Jeria D. - 1 of 3 Shares Sponsored

Jeria D.

Ministry Location Goodwill Heart Family Care Center

Age 12

Jeria is a sweet child who often cares for her younger cousins.  She lives in a rural village with her aunt.  The family is in need to food, clothing and school fees.  She is in the second grade.  

Jeria reads and writes well. 

Guardians (who is the child living with): Mother and father

Marital Status of Parents (If is deceased, please indicate): Married

Guardians/Parents Employment: Casual work flower farm

How Many Siblings: 5 siblings

How Many Children Share a Bed with this Child: 2

Meals per Day: 3 meals a day

Languages Spoken: Kisii 

Schooling: Elementary School

Household Duties: cleaning the house and collecting firewood

Hobbies/Sports: socializing and soccer

 Family Needs:

  • Employment - Yes
  • School Fees/ Uniforms -YES (FOR ALL)
  • Counseling - NO
  • Food -YES
  • Clothing yes
  • Medical Supplies/ Attention - Yes